Thursday, January 24, 2008


Tomorrow I send the 'ole laptop off for repairs and then wait 5 business days for it. So, it will be a vacation from computer stuff. Spent the whole night last night deleting old files and backing up the rest of it in case it comes back wiped.

And speaking of wiping, and vacations...Lauren's had a diaper rash, so we've had a vacation from cloth diapers for awhile. Can't use the FuzziBunz if you have lots of diaper rash cream, it will make them not able to soak up liquid and void their warranty. She doesn't seem to be allergic to the Pampers Ryan bought at all. The danger is that she likes them TOO much. They have Elmo on them. (rolling eyes). But it's been a treat not having to do as much laundry.

And the real upcoming vacation-my mom & I & Lauren are flying into Albany on Feb 19th. Lauren has never seen real snow and she's very excited about it. Not to mention all of the aunts & uncles & cousins to see. One of the sad reasons we're going is that my mother's cousin Jackie is dying (of lung cancer) and she wants to see him one more time if possible, or otherwise attend the memorial service. I haven't seen him since I was very small so I don't really remember him.

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